Saturday, July 17, 2010

Update: The Pedouins Journey from Kentucky to Alaska

Remember the second post I wrote since starting this blog? In case you don't, I'll recap for you:
"A dad decides that it would be a great adventure to put his four kids on a five-person bicycle and go on a 7,000 mile ride from Kentucky to Alaska. Sounds like an awe-inspiring thing for a dad to do with teenagers, probably not a 7, a 5, and a 3 year old..." that all said with all with a touch of sarcasm I must add...

Well, I am eating my own words and doubts at this point. The family is now in Anchorage, Alaska and will undoubtedly make it to Fairbanks. Along the way they have had 22 flats, 8 falls with the bicycle (surprised this isn't more), but have only seen two bears - I'm thinking that all those bears in Alaska will look at a bicycle built for four as something they frequently dream of while hibernating. They have been traveling for close to a year now, and the nights they didn't spend in their tent have been split between motels and staying with people they have met along the way.

You can still track their journey here, and can read about their reasons for their trip here. If you would like details about each leg of their journey than you can read about it here.

I thought about checking up on the Pedouins after I read about the lady who is paddling from Seattle to San Diego. Pretty cool story, but I'm not a huge fan of those who do big and extraordinary things to make people aware of the fact that we have an ocean that needs to be taken care of - kind of pushes them in the category of "those people" as I wrote about in the last post.

*After I published the first post about this family, I realized that I made a couple of mistakes with what I said. The dad is with his wife and three girls - not just the dad with his kids.

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