Friday, July 23, 2010

Can You Candwich????

Some company based out of Utah came up with a brilliant(???) idea of canning a whole sandwich. Mark One Foods claims that it's the perfect idea for people on the go, it has a "long shelf-life" (without being specific as to how long that is), and it doesn't require refrigeration.  Personally, looking at the pictures of the PB&J and the BBQ chicken make me want to gag. When I see a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that looks like something my niece or nephew made, I tend to be less inclined to eat it. Even if the sandwich has a protective can surrounding it, I have my doubts that the sandwich will look anywhere near as neat and orderly as the picture on the can when I actually open it, but I have to admit that it is a good idea. Seems like an easy way to bring a meal while backpacking, although a can isn't as packable as a freeze-dried pouch. The company will be coming out with a Pepperoni Pizza Pocket and possibly a French Toast - that is, if the company lasts that long. 

Isn't the beauty of a PB&J on the trail that it already lasts a long time, doesn't need refrigeration, and is the perfect travel snack? Not sure why I would need to can it when I can just put it in the top of my pack. 

Speaking of mid-hike snacks from a can, I saw THIS photo yesterday and asked myself why this guy is using his minimalist stove, yet he is cooking a heavy can of stew, and also decided to bring along his frying pans... "just in case" he decided to whip up some eggs on the trail or something? Maybe he just wanted to show his buddies how well-prepared he can be...or what cool gear he has...

What are your thoughts? Would you use the Candwich on road trips? On day hikes or long backpacking trips? Ever?


  1. GROSSSSS!! I can't tell you how disgusting that looks/sounds. I could never.

    And it looks like the guy cooking stew is just up for a day hike (looking at the size of his pack and all). But still, couldn't he have just packed a sandwich or something?... Anyways, Jayson was telling me the other day what some guy told him he cooks with on long outings. He said that he would burn a cotton ball soaked with alcohol in the bottom of a soda can that was cut in half. He said that it burnt just long enough to boil water for your freeze food. Fascinating right? Sounds pretty "minimalist" to me.

  2. That's not cool. I am not going to be taking that on a hike, wouldn't even put that in food storage. PB and Jelly already have super good shelf life, so there's no reason to put this gross can of food on your shelf.
