Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wing-Suit (The Flying Squirrel Suit)

For some reason, I thought one of my first posts on this blog was dedicated to some amazing videos I first saw a year or so ago. It shows some guys base jumping while wearing wing-suits, flying next to rock-faces and over roads. Amazing videos like these are the type of thing which make a grown man start wishing he was Superman.

This first video was the one which took over my dreams several months back. I seriously had a dream one night where I was flying in a wing-suit like these guys. I had complete control over where I flew, and how fast I could go. When it came time to stopping, I slowed down to the point where I simply put my feet down and walked away. If only dreams could come true...

I just found this second video on The Adventure Blog, and had to share. The scenery is breath-taking. It amazes me that the guy didn't fall like a rock when being sprayed by the waterfall.

One day I HOPE to at least sky dive. Base jumping would be sweet too, although I read last week that there is one death for every 2,317 jumps. The article where I first read this put things into perspective when the author said that if those were the chances for winning the lottery, EVERYONE would play.


  1. This is insane! I was just talking to my mother-in-law about this the other day. I've been sky diving, and that in and of itself was amazing, but I don't think I would dare do something this crazy! Have you ever seen them land? I've yet to see of video of them landing.

  2. The second video is my favorite. If something ever happened to my family (heaven forbid) I would do something like that, otherwise not.

  3. @Robby - if you watch the end of the first video, I believe that it shows the guy ripping his parachute and landing that way. It's more of a drag-racer sort of stop and then float to the earth.

  4. Oh, I see. I guess I should have payed more attention. I seriously want to do this. Ben, if our families both happen to die at the same time (heaven forbid) I will be right there with you!

  5. I saw this guy on Discovery Channel. Joe keeps trying to get me to sky dive. We almost did in Moab right before he left to Iraq as a - going out with a bang- farewell adventure. I obviously chickened out. ;)
